Alabeo C188B AGTRUCK

Alabeo C188B AGTRUCK

xplane,x plane,alabeo,c188,cessna,airplane

توضیحات بیشتر / خرید

Alabeo C188B AGTRUCK

Alabeo C188B AGTRUCK

The Cessna 188 is a family of light agricultural aircraft produced between 1966 and 1983 by the Cessna Aircraft Company.The initial design of the Cessna 188 was so successful that over its 17-year production run the basic airframe remained unchanged. Only the engines and the agricultural products dispensing systems were upgraded, other than some minor changes to the ventilation systems.The main use for the Cessna 188 series was for agricultural purposes, but many examples were later acquired for use as glider and sailplane tugs (wikipedia).Unique X-Plane design

Distinctive look for the C188B
Unique x-plane feature: Agricultural spray
Challenging scenarios possible: Fully loaded


Mouse wheel support
DDS textures for faster load times and optimization.

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