PFPX v1.28
PFPX v1.28
PFPX v1.28
دانلود نرم افزار Professional Flight Planner X
توجه:فایل نصب را حتما Run as Administrator کنید
Product information Professional Flight Planner X
Take your simulation to the next level!
A user-friendly interface helps to easily build flight plans in a few steps. Advanced options permit realistic flight planning with sophisticated features like Long Range (EROPS) and Re-Dispatch Planning. The printable Flight Briefing Package includes real-time weather and wind charts as well as NOTAM, METAR and TAF reports. Planned routes can be exported to various add-ons like Airbus X Extended, PMDG 737 NGX, 747 and MD 11.PFPX comes with a large aircraft database ranging from Airbus and Boeing types to smaller airplanes like Citation and Cirrus. An open source file…